New paparazzi photography law in California

Happier times for Arnold—The governator isn’t enjoying the popularity he had as an actor. His predecessor, Gray Davis is probably having the last laugh.

The new year always brings new laws. Do we need another?

I’m not sure what to make of this newly passed Paparazzi law signed by Gov. Schwarzeneggar.

What concerns me is who defines ”celebrity.”

Seriously, would someone like a blogger qualify as one?

What about anyone who has lots of followers on Twitter?

What is the criteria here?

Movie stars only, musicians and if they’re movie stars, what is the measure?

Do they need to have a “star” on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame?

In a day when the lines blur so easily, this new law might be a waste of time.

Celebrity, according to one definition, Wikipedia, is a person who is famously recognized in a society or culture.

Interestingly I was contacted a week ago to see if I would head out to the Palm Springs Film festival to photograph celebrities.

Before you jump to conclusions, I have to say it’s not what you think.

“They” weren’t giving me an assignment where I’m going to be taking pictures of these celebrities with their cooperation.

It’s really being a paparazzi, hanging out and waiting around. I go out there on my own time and expense and hang out downtown and see if I can spot them.

If I”m lucky enough to spot some, I can grab pictures of them so long as they’re in the street.

More importantly, I better be up on my celebrities to know who’s hot and who’s not. Why, you might ask?

Some are more in demand than others? The website takes a 40% cut, the photographer keeps 60%.  They do all the selling.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s an honest living. If my wife didn’t work and I didn’t have a choice, I would be out there. Thankfully it hasn’t come to that.

Again, don’t jump all over me, I know better than to cast aspersions.