Unless you have darkroom experience, you probably won’t know what a “contact sheet†or “proof sheet†is.
Now that we have digital photography, the term itself is irrelevant.
The “contact sheet†or “proof sheet†is nothing more than a grid of thumbnails of your entire shoot which displays unique numbers underneath each image.
A lot can be learned from it. But you must have the right attitude when you share it with your coach or mentor.
Remember not to get defensive. If you’re asking for help this way, leave the attitude at the door.
As I said previously, if you have enough memory cards, never erase your images in the camera.
I’m not saying save those “masterpieces†of your foot, car trunk or back of your lens cap when you accidentally fired off the shutter.
You might want to take a look at the images I shot on Valentines Day as you watch the video below.
Also take a look at the picture below. It shows the reverse angle and it should give you a better idea of why I decided to stand where I did to do the picture
On my tippy toes–I’m not that tall. I’m on my tippy toes here and holding my camera over my head using a wide angle lens and doing what’s called a Hail Mary and guessing what I’ll see in the viewfinder.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. And to my Chinese friends and family, Happy New Year!