I just want to take a moment to say thanks to everyone who stops by this blog.
I know you exist. Some of you read quietly. Others take the time and trouble to correct me or just to contribute something so that I learn something.
It’s been a good year. I’m moving ahead embracing the video capture capabilities of my Canon 5D Mark II.
My first love is still the still image but I can see how video with audio provides me with yet another outlet to share my little corner of Pete’s World.
Thanks for making my blog more and more a community with your comments this past year.
I appreciate very much your sharing this blog with your photography friends wherever they may be.
May your new year ahead be a happy, prosperous and healthy one.
Some of you who commented left a URL to your website or blog, others didn’t.
I did want to mention you but not open your email up to being harvested by bots on the internet, so I include your “handle” before the “@” domain in those instances so you’ll know it’s you. 😉
Shane Bates(Picture This), Jo Chopra(By Little & by little), Tammy McGee(tammymcgeephotography.com), Windsor, Jim Legans Jr(Duke City Snapshooter), Paul Conrad(Seeing the Light),Danny (judge danny),James (jmtnbkr77),Ted Kulesa, Bobee, Kevin Cox,Sean Faustina,Mike(lammyracer), Azrin(shaike49),Nick Green (Photogees.com), Karen Mitchell Smith, Jennifer Delgado, Elena Hofferber, Serena Duffin, Jimmy Taranto, Andy (Yellowwood Photography), Rodrigo Pena(http://pena-photography.photoshelter.com/), Habeeb (http://cameraphotovideo.com), Grace Iacovino,William Colacino, Gabe Domenici, Jessica Mosher, Khai Le(http://khai-le.com),Jude Dettmann,Michael Lambert, Maria Parker, Fotostefan , Hector Perez, DeeAnn Bradley, Wanda McCrae, Milagros Sosa, Alistair Scott(Alscott’s Photozone),Joe konzind, Jessica Burnett, Carlo Righini,JBhaber, Mark Coons,Joe Papeo, Jamie, Berend(eyefi.com), Phil Morris, Al Reiner, Carl Chapman, Tim Gander, Terry Babij, Kenny(kmusto), Gerhard de Bruin, Jazz(jazzimondo), Renata Nigmann, Sarah Kramer, Pat Chao, Richard, Janice Sullivan, Mike Hayes, Tanya Rodriguez, Thomas,Tony Ooi, Roberto Medrano, Marvin Sesuca, Liz Baird, Lynne Friedman, Brian W(truth method), Tom Marek, Kathy Pitchford, Linda Frenza, Dareen Loudoun, Lakshu(raja_shunmuga1), Maria Gutierrez, Brenda Pleyvak, Armando Villarreal, Francisco, Jack Holley, Stephen (scoiner), Rosemary Hernandez, Paula Markowitz Wittlin, Calvin Kwok,Beth Harper, Alessio, Jk(extensible cow), Regina Adame, and Ian Worthington.
Out of curiosity I logged into my Google Analytics account and saw I had  visitors from 142 countries in the past year.  The area in green on the map below shows where my visitors came from.
Have a great year ahead everyone. If you haven’t already, you can like my Page on Facebook. That’s an easy way to share my blog with your friends and family.
Alternatively, you can mouse over the 3rd “Share” button (envelope icon) at the very bottom and enter email addresses to specific people.
Just remember “Every photographer comes across an occasional bit of luck when something majestic happens in front of their camera when their shutter is open, lens is focused and exposure is set correctly. To increase your odds, you must have your camera with you.”
You’re too sweet. I am very blessed that our paths have crossed. This is really the most wonderful thing about the internet.
Complete strangers being able to share their passion for a creative activity. No airs, no pretense and no expectations.
It’s enabled me to meet other photographers to see the world through their eyes.
It’s impossible for one person to see and photograph it all, so I’m so glad I started this blog.
Peter, I actually dreamt about you last night!
I love this post, and I love your site. It’s just like you: generous, funny and full of amazing skills, creativity and ideas. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, and a wonderful, glorious New Year to you and your family.
Happy New Year, Jim.
Google Analytics is free and gives you so much insight. The folks at Mountain View (Google) probably have oodles of info about me in return. But they say privacy online is dead anyways, so… you might as well join them.
Thanks for the shout out Peter! And thanks for the info on Google Analytics.