It is time to clean out the closet.
I was handed this ultimatum.
My wife wants to know why does one person with 2 hands have 4 camera bodies? More importantly, if I want to buy more gear, I had better make room. Can you tell this 2nd argument was the one that convinced me?
These days there are so many ways to recycle your older gear.
Some camera retailers like BHPhoto will buy your old gear. Most have a online form you can click to choose the make and model number, accessories you may have like batteries, strap, software bundled.

I happen to have the first generation Canon 1D (4 Megapixel) DSLR.
After I complete the online form, I get a dollar amount that BH Photo will pay me for it.
Don’t expect to get a lot for your used equipment especially if they have been 3 generations of your particular body.
The more of these OEM (original equipment manufacturer) you have the better the price you will get. After you populate their online form with the info, their website will spit out a quote which you can expect them to pay if you want to proceed with the sale. In the long run it’s better than having it sit around and gather dust.
Even if your gear is old and doesn’t work, some websites will actually pay you to ship to them and they will recycle it for you especially.
I have an non-functioning Powerbook G3 400Mhz laptop that is laying around, so I headed over to to see what it was worth.
They did offer to pay postage for shipping to them so they can recycle it for me.
What do you guys have in the way of old gear?
Your closets full yet? Do you just have a big house with lots of room? Maybe you have a very understanding packrat significant other.
Peter Phun Photography
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Daughter took an Canon A2 & Rebel digital to college, Canon Sure Shot off to college with son. So only two Canon EOS 40Ds. But I inherited my Uncle’s Minolta Navy Kit (two bodies, six lens), not sure what to do with it.
I see there are three votes in your poll. Sorry I messed with the percentages. I’m the only one who has more digital cameras than you so far. I have 6 digital bodies, but I think you have more film bodies than me. I have only two non-working Nikon FM2’s.