My Karuna Vihar 2012 Calendar is here


What a great looking calendar! If you noticed my fist is bigger than normal, well, that's what you get with a self-timer shot. Closest object to the camera is always exaggerated by the lens. That explains why you never want to get too close with a wide angle lens to do a portrait. The closest object being the nose ends up looking bigger than normal.

I was delightfully surprised when I went to my mailbox this morning.

The envelope told me exactly what was inside— my copy of the 2012 Calendar from  my cyber-friend Jo Chopra, executive director of Latika Roy foundation.

Even though we’ve never met, she’s been a really wonderful cyber-friend sharing with me her stories, her wonderful photography and adventures from India where she works with children with disabilities.

This year’s cover image was a wonderful choice.

I love the spontaneity of the moment, Jo.

The joyous smile on that beautiful little girl skillfully captured with a long lens speaks volumes of your patience, skill and dedication.

I can picture you with your long lens waiting patiently for this moment.

I can also picture you leaping up and down when you took your first look at what you captured.

It’s never easy to distill the year down to around 12 pictures. Believe me, I know this from experience.

And Jo always seems to find the most apt quotes to go with each picture as well.

Great choice of color made the table of numbers or dates for each month very legible and so attractive.

God-willing, one of these days I hope to be able to contribute at least one picture for their calendar.

This wonderful organization which helps children with disabilities can use your financial contribution.

In case you missed it, take a look at last year’s 2011 calendar.

I'm flipping through the calendar in this animation. Kind of choppy but it was done with photoshop and not shot as a video.
On my wall and put into service right away. Thanks Jo.

Before I forget, Jo always takes the extra effort and time to write me with pen on paper.

Writing with pen on paper is a lost art form.

It doesn’t get anymore personal than that in today’s gang bulletin or newsletters we often see families mail with Christmas cards.

I’m not sure what you guys think of this practice. Perhaps that only happens here in America.

At times it feels a little strained and awkward especially if the recipient is not that close to the sender–Too Much Info? What say you guys?

Finally, I want to say I’m so glad you included the image below in the calendar.

This wonderful image of Ram Chandra, the shepherd with one of his charges.

It’s a testament to what you value when  you share with the world imagery of this nature, Jo. There are more photos of Ram Chandra on Jo’s blog.

Big hug from me to you, Jo. You made my day with the calendar. 🙂

Ram Chandra, shepherd by Jo Chopra McGowan.

Peter Phun Photography

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One thought on “My Karuna Vihar 2012 Calendar is here”

  1. I have never been so honored, so touched and so thrilled all at the same time.

    PETER! I cannot believe that you went to so much trouble for our calendar. What a fabulous post! Thank you so, so much.

    Lots of love, and a very happy new year!


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