Late evening light at my favorite park

I don’t generally shoot landscapes but I love exploring familiar places early in the morning and late in the evenings before the sun goes down.

Everything looks very different.

That’s why every chance I get,  I always try to drive through a park near where I live.

Tony Ruiz and Jena Burgos enjoyed a walk out on the close to sunset.
Tony Ruiz and his girl friend Jena Burgos enjoyed a walk out on the dock at Lake Evan close to sunset.

At that hour, the place is silent except when the fauna, coots, ducks and geese fight over scraps.

My favorite tree (below) takes on  a super red hue as the sun slowly dips below the horizon.

But as long as the Sun’s rays reach the waters of Lake Evans, this ephemeral hue is like nothing I can create in Photoshop.

That hue can be tweaked in so many ways.

I can’t imagine trying to match that if I were a painter.

This leaves on this tree takes on a different color when viewed at different angles. Af different times of the year, this tree looks very different.

Growing up in tropical Malaysia, I never saw trees with red leaves.

It didn’t stop me from painting one that color in elementary school even if my art teacher told me it should be green.

A Chinese crested duck and its companion stands out against the dark background.
A Chinese crested duck and its companion stands out against the dark background.

Peter Phun Photography

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