Category Archives: Gear

Playing with snakes amongst bamboo

Arielle with boa constrictor-- I shot down on Arielle as she laid on the ground which was on a slope inside this bamboo growth. 3 strobes were used
Arielle with boa constrictor– I shot down on Arielle as she laid on the ground which was on a slope inside this bamboo growth. 3 strobes were used

I started 2015 with a self-assignment.

I reached out to my Facebook connections and got a hold of Nikkal Feyrouz, a professional belly dancer who happens to have boa constrictors as pets.

I had seen her posting featuring her snakes on Vyper Vixen on Facebook so I thought first about a location or setting.


Continue reading Playing with snakes amongst bamboo

Combining 2 Speedlites for Power & Fast Recycling2

Over-powering daylight  on a sunny day is next to impossible with just one Speedlite. Using 2 set to the same group allows 2x the power. This is especially needed when you plan to use a light modifier which will cut effective power by as many as 2 f-stops of light at times.
Over-powering daylight on a sunny day is next to impossible with just one Speedlite. Using 2 set to the same group allows 2x the power. This is especially needed when you plan to use a light modifier which will cut effective power by as many as 2 f-stops of light at times. In the picture above I had a 2nd Speedlite fitted with a grid on the right between the 2 tree trunks to accent and separate Lianna (see the tell tale highlight edge on her bent arm on the right) Main light Octodome on the left just out of the viewfinder.

In the first part of this post, you might recall I placed 2 Canon 600EX-RT Speedlites inside my Photoflex Octodome.

That served as my main light for the most part.

Where needed I introduced a 3rd 600EX-RT with a grid to use as an accent when I photographed Lianna at a local park.

Since this was the first time I worked with Lianna, I tried to keep the equipment to a minimum.

I wanted to be sure I was talking with her as much as I could instead of fussing with gear. Continue reading Combining 2 Speedlites for Power & Fast Recycling2

Combining 2 Speedlites for power & fast recycling1

On the top left you can see the Lumpro Double Flash bracket inside my small Octodome softbox.
On the top left you can see the Lumpro Double Flash bracket inside my small Octodome softbox. I had 2 Canon 600-EX-RT speedlites inside the Octodome and a 3rd one fitted with a grid/snoot on the right behind my model Lianna.
I stepped back on this shooting with my 100mm f2.8 lens. 1/90 sec ISO 100 @f2.8. Canon 5DMark2
I stepped back on this shooting with my 100mm f2.8 lens. 1/90 sec ISO 100 @f2.8. Canon 5DMark2. All Speedlites fitted with 1/4 CTO gel to give a more pleasing late evening feel instead of an overcast cloudy day.

Combining 2 Speedlites is sometimes the only way to produce the kind of power needed to have any effect when shooting during the day.

Most Speedlites produce something in the neighborhood of 80 to 100Ws of power, so combining 2 of them can result in faster recycling and more power.

Before you can use 2 Speedlites, yes,  you’ll have to buy more stuff.

Sorry. Sometimes you really do need the tools and there are no workarounds. Continue reading Combining 2 Speedlites for power & fast recycling1

Feeling so left behind, I finally have a ‘smart phone’

I’ve finally joined the millions who own a smartphone.

Liam Walsh take on how addictive we can and have become. We're junkies now. Every time we hear that ding, we somehow feel compelled to look at your phones. I may have to get one of these cones. Thanks Liam for allowing me to use this cartoon.
Liam Walsh take on how addictive we can and have become. We’re junkies now. Every time we hear that ding, we somehow feel compelled to look at your phones. I may have to get one of these cones. Thanks Liam for allowing me to use this cartoon.

I was paying around $100 a month for 2 dumb phones through Sprint.

When I called to see if they would reduce my monthly charges, they told me the best they could do was their $65 monthly plan for 2 phones with 600MB shared data.

So the logical thing to do at that point was to go and buy 2 used smartphones for around $150 a piece. Continue reading Feeling so left behind, I finally have a ‘smart phone’