Tag Archives: Point-and-Shoot

Poly High Track team car wash fundraiser


Reflections are always interesting especially when you have very saturated colors: wet black asphalt, soap suds and shiny metallic blue

So far I’ve been very pleased with my Canon Powershot G11.

I’ve shot a wedding on board a riverboat in Sacramento with it.

I use it to shoot video clips of my 4 cats.

Whenever I need a quick picture for a post, since I’ve equipped it  with an Eye-Fi memory card, I grab a shot it is downloaded to my MacBook Pro by the time I sit down and get to work.

Over the weekend at a car wash fundraiser for my son’s school Poly High track team,  I put it through its paces.



Looking out from under a shade can provide a reference--another compositional cliché

All these were taken at ISO 80, exposure set on Manual and Auto White Balance.

Saturation of color is a good device as well to draw attention to a subject but it means under-exposing intentionally
While waiting in the car, I might as well use the camera
Faces always draw us into pictures. Doesn't matter if we know the people or not. We love to see faces

Poly Car Wash