It’s probably hard not to look over the printed ads or worse, the countless comparison shopping websites after you buy something.
Everyone loves to find a bargain. Face it, we all love to think we’re getting a deal. So what if it’s for an item like paper towels? There’s a bargain hunter in all of us.
You might think the exception are the wealthy who are never cash strapped. I’m certain many of us know otherwise.
I just saw that the Brother Laser printer (HL-2170W) I bought is now 50% cheaper. I thought the best deals were on Black Friday!
My wife said, don’t be looking at those ads. I never listen, or didn’t you know that already?
After some customary grumbling, I actually I consoled myself that I got a whole month’s use before I saw the price reduction.
It’s pretty tough to keep those blinders on.
When you’re casually surfing the net you’ll see some eye-candy, usually it’s a scantily clad female in my case, a cute animation or a pop-up window, wham! you mysteriously land on one of those comparison shopping places like
Don’t even think about going to Amazon. Their website is scary. I started seeing ads that were dynamically generated specially for me which no one else will ever see or don’t you already know that?
I guess I must have been frequenting Amazon in the wee hours too much. Their planted cookies on my computer told their database to spit out ads on insomnia medication, books on relaxation. Anyway…
So far I’m quite pleased with this printer since it’s wireless. It’s fast and it’s cheaper to run than my inkjet. Best of all, I can place it anywhere within range of my router.
Definitely don’t look at prices of digital cameras and toys that have a chip in them. Prices sort of stay where they are, but the manufacturers pack in more features.
Exceptions to that are media like hard drives and flash memory. When I bought a 2GB San Disk Extreme III CFC compact flash card 2 years ago, I coughed out $200.
You can get an 8GB San Disk compact flash card for that price today. Does that type of mentality drive down the price of professional photography?
I suspect it does figure into it. Many people think given enough memory cards and a decent digital SLR, they can do the work themselves.
Hi Jim,
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. I’ll do my best.
It’s a lot of fun to read your posts Peter and I am enjoying myself. I hope you keep it up.
If I can’t laugh at myself, I’m sure there’s plenty of people who would love a laugh at my expense.
I’m not at the point where my kids are demanding iPod touches and other gadgets like you. My son has laid claim to a piece of Obama’s stimulus package.
I know I’m fighting a losing battle. He already has designs on my LCD monitor. Wants nothing to do with my old workhorse Powermac Dual processor G4 that’s hooked up to that monitor! He’s talking about a saving up for a Mac Mini!
Your blogs are refreshing Peter because you laugh at yourself.
As far as new tech goes we’ve figured out not to buy first version, wait to second one if possible. And computing power doubles/drops every six months (who said that?)
Oh and add to teens losing/breaking gadgets. I’ll be lucky to get my Rebel xti back from Spain when son comes home.