

If I were a pig, I’d be very bummed.

Lately I’ve been given a bad rep.

For one thing, folks think nothing about yelling “Swine” and using it as a curse word.

Didn’t anyone like the movie “Babe?”

I found this picture in my archives recently as I was looking for inspiration.

These newborns were under a heat lamp, enjoying the warmth of each other and the soft straw.

I don’t need to mimic the very nasal grunts I heard, do I?

As much as I like my picture, I have to share this other one with you all.

It’s my absolute all-time favorite  pictures taken by my good friend Marilyn Odello.


Ah… what I’d give to be the one to have taken this picture, Marilyn. I’m so jealous. Do I need to say more folks?