Back in 1998 when I was handed 2 of one of the earliest digital DSLRs by my boss, I remember thinking “I have $50,000 around my neck. If something happens to those, do I work for free?”
Here we are 13 years later and anyone can buy a DSLR for around $400, even cheaper if they look for used ones.

So just about everyone has gone digital but not many us really think about the ramifications of having all everything—their whole life in images —stored in a strange metallic 4″ x 6″ x 1″ case.
As more and more of us are using digital cameras, I can’t help but think about how vulnerable the memories of this present generation are.
If there was no power, we would all be up the proverbial creek.
It’s unlikely to happen but is it really?
I’m not suggesting that we print everything on that hard drive, we’d all be broke but everyone should at least print one book a year–sort of the best of the previous year’s pictures.
I’ve seen online photofinishing labs offer 4″ x 6″ prints as low as 15 cents.
Many are even offering free prints to get you to try sign up for their service. That’s just how cut throat things are.
iPhoto books and other online photo book printers

I don’t know if Apple can be credited for this but they were one of the earliest to integrate the ability to design such books within their iPhoto application.
The ease of designing made these books so much fun that my sister in law creates one every year.
I’ve done quite a few myself.
They make very personal gifts.
There’s really nothing like holding a still image in your hand and studying the detail in a still picture.
The virtual image you see on a screen is just not the same
Too many of us are assuming our data or pictures are going to be safe.
In the event of a house fire, flooding or some other catastrophe, we will have to not just grab the photo albums now but also our hard drives.