Last year I only got to spend two hours at Riverside’s Lunar Festival.
I missed a lot of acts and performances.
The one I wanted to see were the Sumo wrestlers.
This afternoon, try as I could, I couldn’t get through into the inner ring of people.
I was fortunate to have my monopod this time around.
So I set a 10-second self-timer and hoisted my camera over the crowds for an overall view of the intersection.
I’m losing my edge. I used to carry a cable release or a remote which would allow me to shoot over the crowds that way.
In a pinch the self-timer worked alright but I’ll have to remember to check my bags carefully next time.
Which of these pictures with the Sumo wrestlers do you like best?
Over the years I’ve photographed lots of events.
Each time, as I got better, I’d often ask what else can I try?
Let’s face it. Events generally take place in the same location and around the hours of daylight.
So what would make the images different?
I’ve found that it’s always the interaction between the performers and the audience that makes a picture memorable and fun.
It’s those kinds of pictures I enjoy taking.
Vote for your favorite picture below
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