Category Archives: Assignment

Field test Yongnuo YN-E3-RT in Music Room of Mission Inn Hotel

Yongnuo's YN-3E-RT transmitter with built-in infrared autofocus assist beam was instrumental in this picture. ISO 400 1/30 f4 with 17mm lens Canon 5DMark2 using 2 600-EX-RT Speedlites placed about 10 o'clock and 3 o'clock set to 1/8th power.
Yongnuo’s YN-E3-RT transmitter with built-in infrared autofocus assist beam was instrumental in this picture. ISO 400 1/30 f4 with 17mm lens Canon 5DMark2 using 2 600-EX-RT Speedlites placed about 10 o’clock and 3 o’clock set to 1/8th power.

I got my hands on Yongnuo’s YN-E3-RT at the end of last year.

I used it at several ‘event’ type settings and so far I have to say I am pleased with the results.

My first impression of the Yongnuo YN-E3-RT was that it was worth the risk, now that I’ve used it on actual jobs with confidence, I have to say I am very happy with my purchase.

Keep in mind the build isn’t as good as the OEM Canon version.

I suppose that’s why you’re paying a lot less–at least $174 less!

Continue reading Field test Yongnuo YN-E3-RT in Music Room of Mission Inn Hotel

On-location portraits & event photography

Stephanie inside an abandoned building. There is a large open window/opening on the left behind her.
Stephanie inside an abandoned building. There is a large open window/opening on the left behind her.
Behind-the-scenes shows the placement of my reflector and Photoflex Octodome
Behind-the-scenes shows the placement of my reflector and Photoflex Octodome

I still get anxious when I get a call for a job despite my so-called years of experience.

I don’t think that ever goes away, nor do I want it to.

When I was at the Riverside newspaper, the Press-Enterprise, I made pictures daily.

I soon realized I didn’t need my boss to tell me how well I did with my pictures.

There was no hiding behind a pseudonym or a fake byline if the picture was badly done.

Continue reading On-location portraits & event photography

Playing with snakes amongst bamboo

Arielle with boa constrictor-- I shot down on Arielle as she laid on the ground which was on a slope inside this bamboo growth. 3 strobes were used
Arielle with boa constrictor– I shot down on Arielle as she laid on the ground which was on a slope inside this bamboo growth. 3 strobes were used

I started 2015 with a self-assignment.

I reached out to my Facebook connections and got a hold of Nikkal Feyrouz, a professional belly dancer who happens to have boa constrictors as pets.

I had seen her posting featuring her snakes on Vyper Vixen on Facebook so I thought first about a location or setting.


Continue reading Playing with snakes amongst bamboo

Belly dancer portraits at “Shimmy for Critters 2014”

Nancy, Brenda and Mary pose with "Burrito" during the Shimmy for Critters fundraiser at the Riverside Animal Shelter.
Nancy, Brenda and Mary pose with “Burrito” during the Shimmy for Critters fundraiser at the Riverside Animal Shelter.

A common mistake when selecting a photoshoot location is not accounting for 3 dimensions around your subjects.

If all you are photographing is one person for a headshot and not their full body, then you won’t need a lot of room.

But when you take on  3 or more people in a photo, then you will encounter all kinds of headaches. Continue reading Belly dancer portraits at “Shimmy for Critters 2014”