Tag Archives: photojournalism

The once sought-after newspaper staff photographer position Part 2

How many times have you picked up a newspaper and started reading a story just because the picture on the cover caught your attention?

That pretty much sums up the newspaper photographer’s goal at any assignment that he/she draws.

The Assignment

Come back with a picture/pictures that will sum up the story and draw the reader’s attention to it.

Assignments are what you make of it—On a story about road safety near an elementary school where large construction vehicles would speed by, I mounted my camera on a monopod, hoisted it over my head and tripped the shutter with a long extension cord. Getting in position early in the morning gave me a long shadow of the passing truck. I was lucky the crossing guard was far away enough from the truck to be lit by the sunlight, making her standout.

Continue reading The once sought-after newspaper staff photographer position Part 2

The once sought-after newspaper staff photographer position Part 1

A while back a visitor,  photojournalist Nick Morris, suggested perhaps some insight into a newspaper photographer’s day might be of interest to you.

That’s a valid point since consistently many visitors arrive here  on the post I wrote about Sports and Freelance photography.

Even though I’ve been gone from the business for 6 years, I’m fairly confident some of these details are still accurate.

As I write this, I wonder though how relevant this is, considering how the newspaper industry is struggling.

Six years ago when I left, there were 20 photographers where I worked.

Today, they have 7 staff photographers.

The most recent departure from their photo department was perhaps 2 weeks ago.

Anyway, in no particular order of importance, here are some of the highlights which might interest you.

Continue reading The once sought-after newspaper staff photographer position Part 1

Carlo & Mary’s 50th wedding anniversary


Cutting the rug–Carlo and Mary dance during their 50th wedding anniversary at Cafe Sevilla restaurant.

Mary and Carlo were one of my earliest clients when I started working for myself.

Their daughter Teresa was the one who hired me to document this very important milestone.

Event photography of this nature is always fun. There is no stress at all,  unlike a wedding.

Everyone is in great spirits and out to have a great time.

I consider it a privilege to be included in something like this because I’m in awe of couples who are married for longer than I’ve been alive.
Continue reading Carlo & Mary’s 50th wedding anniversary

Documentary Photography–fancy speak for storytelling with pictures

indian_kid_chairNot everyone who picks up a camera wants to turn professional.

And I don’t want to be the one to break the news to some who do, that their pictures are bad.

If you have another career, you should stay with it. I’m already losing my shirt as it is, I don’t need more competition.

If you’ve been reading this blog a while, you’ll know I’m kidding.

But you might want to read my thoughts on taking your hobby to the next level, becoming a professional photographer.

Kicking back–I photographed this Indian child when I visited Malaysia more than 10 years ago. Jo’s images reminded me of many of my Indian friends who ran around barefooted. Originally shot on Kodachrome 64, I dug this out recently when I read that Kodachrome has been discontinued.

Continue reading Documentary Photography–fancy speak for storytelling with pictures