Raindrops captured on my macro lens at f22 for against someone holding a red umbrella and uncluttered background leaves no ambiguity as to what sort of day we are having.
Rain in southern California is disorienting for a lot of folks.
Motorists may be lax about traffic laws and often defy them, but the laws of physics cannot be ignored so traffic collisions abound during even the slightest downpours.
As a news photographer, working in the elements was a given.
In fact, the first rains of the season often brought out the competitiveness in all the staff photographers vying to come back with the best weather-related picture.
To the winner went the cover the next day and bragging rights.
Silhouettes or near silhouettes can be found on days like today. Poor lighting conditions doesn’t mean you should stay indoors. I found this hanging out in a below-the-ground parking structure.
On days like today, 49°F/9.4°C rainy, I don’t miss working at the newspaper.
I remember how miserable I was driving around looking for pictures of people in the rain.