Category Archives: Internet & Technology

How to spot malicious software on a Mac

The fake Mac Finder complete with Sidebar. Note if this was indeed my Mac's Finder, the Home folder would have my name on it instead of "Computer"

Like most of you, I’ve also been online quite a few years now.

Exactly how long I can’t be sure now.

What I can be sure about it is I had dial up modems.

I have to say until the other day, I had never ever seen anything malicious specifically targeting Macs.

Continue reading How to spot malicious software on a Mac

Another reason to be vigilant of your online images

It used to only apply to professional photographers, but not any more.

The average camera owner or hobbyist who uploads their images to picture sharing sites like Flickr, the world’s largest presently, are finding that not everyone online respects intellectual property.

It’s downright unfair, dishonest and clearly is theft.

It’s especially despicable when these thieves are making money off your image.

Continue reading Another reason to be vigilant of your online images

Online privacy, Facebook and our pictures

Privacy in cyberspace: what's a realistic expectation?

Privacy as our parents knew it is dead. We attended its funeral when we ushered in the internet.

Thanks to cheap data storage, search engines, and yes, Facebook, if we want to find someone, our chances are pretty good.

The average Facebook user is probably very comfortable with their circle of friends seeing their pictures.

I don’t know how many friends the average user has.

Fifty? Hundreds? Thousands? My guess?

Younger users will be more cavalier  about who they are willing to share their pictures and info with.

No doubt their “coolness” depends on how many FB friends they have.

For the rest of us, it means we have to be ever vigilant and always be on the lookout for changes especially in their privacy controls.

So, don’t just sign up, log in and be friendly, stay on top of things. Continue reading Online privacy, Facebook and our pictures