Available light–ISO 400 1/125 sec @ f2. All 3 pictures taken with Canon 50mm lens.
At about 9 weeks olds, my 3 kittens are little terrors.
Forget about getting them to sit, stay or generally do what I want.
Just like infants, I can only persist, shoot a lot and get them used to the camera.
I really ought to set up my cheap, beat up, hand-me-down strobes in my garage since the little critters call that home. Continue reading Photographing my kittens →

I love the early morning directional light in my yard.
The sun’s rays creeps over the regulation 6-foot neighbor’s fence (now more like 8 feet with the overgrown hedge) and it just kisses my old beat-up picnic table.
Natural lighting or is it?–The Great Mouser with her half-eaten prize was lit by my Canon 580EX Speedlite set on the ground on the left. The distance from flash-to-subject was about 3 feet. The flash was set on Manual @ 1/64th power to give me f2 for ISO 100. I wanted a shallow depth-of-field since I didn’t want the green shrubbery in the foreground to be sharp. Here’s a wider view showing the placement of my Speedlite 580EX.
Because of the extreme angle, much of the clutter and distractions are still in shadow in the early morning hours.
Continue reading Backyard Photos of the Mouser →
Photo tips from a creative Southern California photographer