Tag Archives: Tutorials

On location group photos

Hadia Habibi & Al Nar Bellydancers

Working on location outdoors can simplify matters especially if you’re photographing a group.

A well-chosen location and an equally well-chosen time of the day  can free you from having to set up a seamless or Muslin background if your subject is a group of more than 5 or 6 people.

You see, the problem with photographing any kind of group is deciding what to use as your background.

What lens to use? Wide angle lenses make everyone smaller, introduces a lot of clutter in the background and has too much depth-of-field. I used the 80mm setting on my 80-200 zoom. The downside? I have to step way back from the group and that means if you’re soft-spoken, you’ll need a bullhorn. The other problem?  How do you position your light without it showing up in the picture? Since your light will be closer to your subjects than you are physically, that may mean using a boom to raise the lights out of the frame. I got away with moving my light just outside of the frame on the left. Marvin, my assistant, was also holding  a reflector on the left to kick back the directional sunlight coming in from the right.

Unless you plan on cramming everybody so close like sardines, the bigger your group, it follows then, the more space you’ll need.

Realistically, once you have about 8 people, you’re almost assuredly out of space indoors in most studios. And even the biggest seamless paper or Muslin background hung on the long side up will not be enough.

Continue reading On location group photos

Summertime at San Diego Natural History Museum

Dino in HDR—While inside San Diego Natural History Museum,  I bracketed as I captured about 7 images to create this totally unrealistic image using Photomatix Pro. See the scene captured normally by my Canon 40D with 17-35 f2.8 L lens. ISO 400 f6.3 shutter speed between 1/10 sec and 0.3 seconds.

It’s nice to get away for a few days especially when it’s an easy 2 hour drive to San Diego.

You can always count on the numerous museums at Balboa Park to have exhibits that provide hours of amusement.

Actually, with so many other museums to choose from, it’s actually tough to decide.

We opted for the San Diego Natural History Museum.

“Dinosaurs” and “All That Glitters” are currently on exhibit. Continue reading Summertime at San Diego Natural History Museum

Better group shots with Photo Merge

There is a time and a place for photoshop.

Just bear in mind, my background in photojournalism allowed very little use of Photoshop except for cloning out dust spots, dodging and burning.

My use of Photoshop was limited to what we used to do when we were making BW prints in the darkroom.

That said, there are times when photoshop can actually give me a better way to make a good picture.

The one that comes to mind most is Photoshop’s Photomerge feature.

As a finale for my class, I taught my students how a little thinking out of the box can give you a better quality image.

Rather than using a wide angle to include everyone but at a price of throwing away pixels, I showed them, in my mind, a better approach.

Continue reading Better group shots with Photo Merge

First Communion Photos

Available light portraiture–Keeping things simple is sometimes the best way to go especially when you don’t have a lot of fancy gear. This portrait inside the St. Catherines of Alexandria Church, Riverside, CA was done using window light on the left and a reflector on the right. Canon 80-200 zoom. ISO 400 1/125 @ f2.8

As the beneficiary of those “toys,” you get to shoot the annual extinguishing of birthday candles and other recurring events.

Those are the easy ones.

If you blow those, there’s always next year.

But not so for those milestones which happen only once in a lifetime.

Blowing that might mean a fast auction for your “toys” on ebay.

More likely, your next lens of piece of equipment will undergo a prolonged approval process by your “boss” who holds the purse strings.

Since we camera buffs have to stick together, I have some suggestions which should keep you in business. Continue reading First Communion Photos