Tag Archives: tutorial

Simple photography goals for the new year

Artists in their own rights—Marvin and Maria were among my students who took part in a class show at the local coffeehouse Back to the Grind in downtown Riverside. Every 1st Thursday of the month, galleries downtown feature local artists’s work. See my other students who participated after the jump.

You’ve spent lots of money on equipment and probably invested lot more in time with your camera. Now, you have a body of work that is respectable.

If you don’t share it or somehow show it to the world, you’re not going to be motivated to do better.

Let’s face it, we all love to hear that our work is wonderful.

How about  ringing in the new year with 3 simple goals for your photography?

Thanks to computers and the internet, many of these suggestions are not that difficult anymore. Used to be you had to be a bit of a computer whiz but software has made things a lot easier. Continue reading Simple photography goals for the new year

Is there anything scarier than not seeing your images?


The title of this should be of interest to the majority of you.

Ask any pro who’s been burned and they’ll tell you even though they may have this tool, they never live and die by it.

I have it only as a last resort.

Yesterday one of my students shot something in class.

In between her completing her shoot and her getting to her computer to download, something went awry.

My guess? She probably shut the camera off before it stopped writing or she pulled the card out of the camera before turning off the camera.

Continue reading Is there anything scarier than not seeing your images?

More Beginning Photographer Mistakes

Obviously I can’t count. Picking up where I left off from the Top 10 Mistakes of Beginning Photographers

Gabe and Julie, lollipop in hand, explore the sea wall in northern California

Knowing your camera well, even if it’s a point-and-shoot model, allows you more control than you might expect. I intentionally under-exposed this backlit shot of my kids walking on a seawall in Klamath, California to get a silhouette. Continue reading More Beginning Photographer Mistakes